Invictus Press
Read with us
Skipping Stones
Classic love story set in 1800's England. A young woman strives to discover who she is and how she fits into society. Along the way, she may just find, not only herself, but love too.
Coloring Outside The Lines
Integrating Project Management and Creativity
Although seemingly contradictory, project management and creativity can work together to enhance and guard against common pitfalls found in both endeavors. This collection of blogs and thoughts show how to integrate the best of both worlds.
Seriously, A Budget? A Beginner's Guide To Money Management
This small book is to show you a simpler way to be with your money. It covers spending, saving, how to get out of debt, budgeting, and lowering your expenses.
Adventures of Meow-Meow
Discover what happens when a new cat is left alone. Written by a 10 year old as part of a Girl Scout Troop project.